How long do you want it to last? osb isn�t suitable for a shed as you won�t be able to completely waterproof it, it will get damp and turn to mush within a couple of years.. Using ever build - black jack all weather roof coating.. 7/16 osb really isn't adequate for your roof, even if you're running rafters on 16" centers. you might get by with 7/16 plywood, but even that would be iffy. i put 5/8 osb on the roof of the 8x12 shed i built this summer (16" centered rafters)..
Construct a building make a shed with osb board shed blueprints for florida free plans to build a storage shed 14x14 shed plans 8x12.shed.plans.with.a.12.12.pitch.roof for example, when you make use a good electric drill to insert screws, you might want to be really cautious.. Osb board and osb sheet is an alternative to plywood that can be used in many different applications. manufactured by compressing layered strips of wood in wax and resin, osb boards are strong and inexpensive, making them a versatile construction material.. Osb is now used for about 70 percent of all floor, wall and roof sheathing in north america. building codes, the engineered wood association, architects and most builders rate plywood and oriented strand board (obs sheathing) equal in strength and durability..
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